13 Author Do's and Don'ts in Everyday Dealings: Part II

Today I continue the commentary I began yesterday, exploring the author behaviors that you should and should not do in your everyday life.

Remember that every action you take as an author is a reflection of you, the businessperson. It is a measure of your character, your integrity and your reputation.

Today I’m looking at Newsletters, Caveat Amplexus, Giveaways and Promotions, and that One Important Thing.

So now, let’s finish off the bakers dozen of 13 Author Do’s and Don’ts in Everyday Dealings.



  1. Are you one to send out a newsletter? I confess I started one and I have been uneven about using it. But I discovered several other authors have them and you know how they get subscribers? They steal them. Yes, by signing people up when they don’t ask for it. So here it is, DON’T sign people up to your newsletter without their permission/knowledge. EVER. That is rude. It assumes more than I can put into words. Such an act makes me furious. Not only will I immediately unsubscribe from you but also I probably won’t buy your books on principle either. DO ask people to sign up for your newsletter at signings and through your blog or website. DON’T sign people up to your newsletter if they simply comment on a post or buy your book. DO ask people who buy your book if they would like to sign up for your newsletter. See what is happening here? DON’T ASSUME people want to be in contact with you simply because they liked something you wrote, a Facebook post or because they downloaded your eBook. Bad business folks. I have badmouthed several authors for doing it. Puts a very bad taste in my mouth when I am signed up for things that I did not agree to. How about you?
  2. Now I’m going to tell you to do as I say and not as I have done, here. If you have a newsletter, DO use it. I’ve been bad about that. I’m about to change my ways. DON’T keep people waiting on word from you. Once you have clients signed up, DO give them something to appreciate you and stay engaged in. DON’T be like me, or, as I was.

CAVEAT AMPLEXUS – Beware the (free) embrace

  1. Caveat Amplexus, or beware of the embrace, is what I use to warn people away from “freebies.” This is a tougher one to explain. When you have friends who know you write books, friends who work in various places that might be of a benefit to you, it is sometimes tempting to want to “lean” on them. In other words, you want to embrace your friends with warmth in the hopes that they will offer you freebies. DON’T expect your friends, because they are your friends, to give you what you would expect strangers to pay for. Example: You have a friend who has a friend who oversees a venue that would be a great place for a book signing or a launch party. So you decide to hint that it would be great to do but you wish you could afford it. This is pulling on your friend’s affections to see if they can come through for you. Now you begin negotiating for a freebie. Suddenly that friendship without strings now has them. The friendship seems used. DON’T do this to your friends. DON’T ever expect to get something for free that strangers would have to pay for. If you should be offered a deal that’s wonderful! By all means, take it. But again DON’T ASSUME and put your friends in awkward positions. Don’t make your friends whisper “Caveat Amplexus!”
  2. The other side of that coin works, too. Never expect less from your contacts than you do from perfect strangers. DON’T let your contacts work you in ways that you wouldn’t accept from people you don’t know. I understand that we want to do for others but if you are guilty of buying acceptance or selling yourself just make friends (or sell books) then you lose yourself and your professional self takes a huge hit. DO keep professional standards at all times, especially with your personal contacts and friends. You want to keep their respect once earned. DON’T ever cheapen it.


  1. Love contests and giveaways, don’t you? DO have them. They expand your readership and winners help you spread the word on your work. Want to know what frosts me? When I win a contest and it takes weeks to get my prize. I don’t enter so many raffles or giveaways that I don’t know what I’m getting. Rule of thumb, advertise when you will announce winners and when the winners’ books (or gifts) will be mailed. DO keep your word. I know when I win I start figuring out when I will get my goodies. I won a contest once and after sending several requests for mail out dates, I finally got my gifts a month later. I was not impressed. DON’T take your winners’ patience or enthusiasm for granted. DO keep your word and DO mail out within 72 hours of winning. That is the longest you should wait before mail outs. In fact, you should already have your boxes or mailers ready to go, unsealed so you can sign the books before they go. And DO personalize whenever you can!


Finally, and perhaps most important of all things, DON’T lie. DO protect and build your professional self by expecting and maintaining the highest possible standard. Demand only the best out of your work, whether it is your writing, your book design, your phone calls, your newsletters, your face-to-face contacts. DON’T drop your standards for anyone. Ever. That means the truth is your guide and your word is your reputation. Once you lie and you break trust, you may never get it back again. Be the standard. Sadly I must say, DO expect and demand the same of others, even when they don’t want to give it. Never back down.


With this baker’s dozen of unwritten, everyday rules for authors and writers, I think you will be well on your way to a sterling professional career, whatever path it takes! Good luck!




Thanks for stopping by!
I remain yours between the lines,


****The following items will always appear to keep you posted on activities.*****

WIP (Works in Progress): –  Writer’s Workbook – Learning to Write Everyday – Beginners Volume

– first novel in the Evening Bower series, about vampires and other supernatural creatures
– fictional memoir – November 2016!
– four-part fairy story (part one complete)

On the Desk: (next reading): TBD

Off the Desk (book just finished): League of Dragons – Naomi Novik

Coming Soon:  Interview with new folks and more about upcoming projects. Plus meet my assistant (yes, you want details!)


13 Author Do's and Don'ts in Everyday Dealings: Part I

A friend and well-respected author, Robbie Cox, recently completed writing a series of articles on Author Etiquette at Book Conventions/Signings, including tips and tricks to help authors succeed when attending these conferences.

The series is chock full of excellent advice, especially for first timers. Actually, every author can do with a little brushing up and I recommend reading him because things change. We should all keep up with what’s new and trendy. Besides, common sense sometimes needs a good kick in the rear, right?

Sometimes it seems that writers and authors can be rude or careless in their dealings with others. In some instances, the thoughtless actions aren’t malicious, just unthinking. No excuse people!

Remember that every action you take as an author is a reflection of you, the businessperson. It is a measure of your character, your integrity and your reputation. Think it doesn’t matter? Trust me, word gets around when an author is less than considerate or is in fact a jerk. On the other hand, an author that builds strong relationships with gracious attention to detail, professional attitudes and an honest way of doing business makes you someone people will trust and therefore, invest in.

Robbie’s articles got me thinking. I remembered some recent events that I found disturbing or annoying when dealing with other authors, publishers and business associates. These thoughts led to a realization that I can add some sage advice to Robbie’s. I hope he doesn’t mind.

So here is a baker’s dozen of Do’s and Don’ts for Authors in Everyday Dealings in two parts.




  1. If asked to provide a “blurb” for someone’s book, DON’T do it if you haven’t read him or her before. What can you actually say that has validity if you don’t know the work? Don’t demean your professional name by telling generalities or falsehoods.
  2. If you have been asked to provide a “blurb” for someone’s book, and you know the work, DO provide said blurb by the requested date. If no date is given, use the three-day rule and advise the author that you will meet this date. Telling the author does two things. First, it holds you accountable and second, it gives the author a heads up and an opportunity to tell you if there is a need for it earlier.
  3. If you are the one asking for the blurb, remember that you sought out the other author. Be gracious and show your gratitude for their belief in you by sending them a copy of your book when it is published. Their contribution helped you; the least you can do is provide a free copy to say thanks. And yes, showing gratitude is always better than telling right? Writers know this.


  1. How much work do you do on the phone? More than you think, probably. If you are like me, I let all calls go to the answering machine and then I return calls from those who leave messages and from names I know.
    1. Just because you know someone is no reason to treat them with less respect than strangers. In fact, it is more reason to give them your very best because you know them. Show your respect, and DO return calls to familiar folks within 24 hours (unless they ask you to call sooner). I try to return calls from friends and co-workers on the same day. DON’T take those closest to you for granted. Believe me, one day they will resent you for it.
    2. If someone calls you and this is an unknown connection, remember your professional self is on the line. DON’T keep people hanging. DO return calls within 24-48 hours, unless asked to do so earlier. DON’T turn to emails or text messaging instead. This is insulting and unprofessional, unless told this is permitted.
  2. I have the luxury of being able to work from home. Many authors aren’t like me and you have to remember this when using the phone. DON’T always expect people to call you during the day. Most authors have (forgive me) a “real” job (I call it the filler job), and won’t be available until after 5pm or later. When reaching out to authors, DON’T be upset if you need to leave a message. DO tell the contact when you can be reached. Allow for some time in the evening to take calls. In my case, I don’t take business calls after 7:00pm unless time zones require it or pre-arranged agreement are a factor. My evenings are my family time and I try to give the same respect to other writers. Have boundaries and make them a professional standard to be emulated.
  3. I really hate to mention this one but, manners, people! Take yours out and dust them off. DO say please and thank you. DON’T say “yeah” to professionals who are only able to gauge your professional self by what they hear. Are you a “punk” or wouldn’t you like to be received as a smart, sharp, pro? Think it doesn’t matter? Just think of every phone call as a potential job interview. Whom would you hire? Would you leave a strong, good first impression over the phone?
  4. Okay so you are now dealing with an asshole on the phone. Does it make you become one, too? I hope not. DON’T ever, EVER, lose your professional cool on the phone. DON’T raise your voice. No shouting matches. Never lower your standards just to make a point. Continue to behave professionally even when you want to crawl through the phone and beat someone. Remember you have standards and, by jove, use them at all times. Let the assholes learn something from you. Maybe they are only an asshole that day. Tomorrow, they might remember how cool you were under pressure. DON’T ever lose sight of your image and your reputation.

Practicing these good behaviors will only help you in your career.

Let me hear from you! And thanks for stopping by!
Yours Between the Lines,


****The following items will always appear to keep you posted on activities.*****

WIP (Works in Progress): – NEW BOOK OF POETRY! – expected release July 2016
– first novel in the Evening Bower series, about vampires and other supernatural creatures
– fictional memoir – November 2016!
– four-part fairy story (part one complete)

On the Desk: (next reading): TBD

Off the Desk (book just finished): League of Dragons – Naomi Novik

Coming Soon:  Interview with new folks and more about upcoming projects. Plus meet my assistant (yes, you want details!)

Meet the Author - Theresa Snyder

I met Theresa Snyder on Twitter many years ago. Or rather I met her friend and co-author, Farloft the dragon. Yes, you got that right. Dragon. Farloft was an early friend and he introduced me to his author Theresa. How could I not be instantly and forever intrigued? In time I came to see Theresa as a propular and prolific author who was both clever and fun. I knew I had to have her dragon in my life and library and now I want you to meet this fabulous author, too.

Theresa is a multi-genre author. She grew up on a diet of black and white sci-fi films like Forbidden Planet and The Day the Earth Stood Still (a fav of mine, too). She is a voracious reader and her character-driven writing is influenced by the early works of Anne McCaffrey, Ray Bradbury, Robert Heinlein, and L. Ron Hubbard. She loves to travel, but makes her home in Oregon where her elder father and she share a home and the maintenance of the resident cat, wild birds, squirrels, garden, and occasional dragon house guest. (yes, she knows dragons!)

I asked Theresa a few questions and here she is, for you.

Everyone is asked “how did you get started writing.” Instead, how did you decide that you were going to write a book? And how long did it take you to finish your first novel?

I broke my foot back in 1990. I was told by the doctor that there was a direct ratio of the time to heal based on how much I could stay off of it and keep it elevated. I had been writing in a journal, short stories and some magazine articles prior to the accident that broke my foot. I also had an ongoing story percolating in my brain for years. I bought myself a dedicated word processor, set down as instructed by the doctor and started to write “The Helavite War.” It took me about three months to write and over 23 years before I finally got it indie published.

How did you choose your publishing path (traditional vs Indie)?

When I first finished “The Helavite War,” and later after completing the next three in the Star Traveler Series, I tried to find an agent and get the books traditionally published. This was long before “Harry Potter” arrived on the shelves of bookstore everywhere. I was told over and over again by agents and publishers that my work was good, great, exceptional, but that they could not easily classify it as young adult or adult. They felt they would have trouble marketing the books. There were no heavily advertised ‘cross-over’ books back then like “Harry Potter” to compare it to – books that both a young adult and adult could enjoy reading. I gave up the idea of being published sometime in the mid-90s. 

In 2013, I told my writing group I was going to format and print a copy of my books for my own bookshelf. By then I had six scifi in the Star Traveler Series and one Fantasy in the Farloft Chronicles. I was managing the print shop at our local Community College and I thought, ‘what the heck, I’ll do it.’ I will have copies of my books in print. My writing buddies said if I was going to go to that trouble I should just indie publish them. I laughed at them and said I didn’t know how to go about doing that and I probably couldn’t afford it. They told me it cost nothing to do it but time, and they would help. 

Later in 2013, “The Helavite War” was published closely followed by the rest of my backlog and new books too.

What kinds of books do you write and what is the message you have to inspire in others?

I write scifi, fantasy, paranormal and memoirs at the moment. Who knows what might catch my fancy in the future.  

As far as inspiration, I would say to anyone who asks, ‘don’t give up.’ Even though you might be rejected by others at first there might still be a market out there for your books. C.S. Lewis wasn’t published until he was in his 70s. L. Frank Baum was told by publishers that no one would read an American Fairytale, but who hasn’t heard of “The Wizard of Oz?” 

Tell us about Farloft and his series…

Farloft is my dragon friend and muse. His series is called The Farloft Chronicles. Currently they consist of six books in trade paperback (formatted for middle-schoolers), two collections of the same six books, in a smaller traditional size paperback (formatted for adults), and a storybook/coloring book for 2-1/2 to 6 year old children.

How did you meet Farloft and how long have you two been friends? Does he have family?

Farloft and I have known each other through many lifetimes. We originally met in his kingdom when my older brother introduced him to me. You can read about our early life together in the sixth book of his series, “Dragon Memories, Dreams & Reflection.”  

Farloft can bend time and space, so when I left him in his time, he tracked my soul to this time and place. He comes to visit me often and has told me his stories in order for me to pass them on to my readers. Farloft has a mate, Clearair and two children, his adopted son, James, and Anna.

Do you tend to write geared more to children, women or men? Or are your books for all readers? Any particular age group that you lean toward?

The Farloft Chronicles are for anyone, any age, who has ever loved, or loves a dragon. Like “How to Train Your Dragon,” readers of different ages will find the books’ messages on different levels. 

The Star Traveler Series, The Twin Cities Series, The In2Minds Series and my Memoirs were all written with young adult to adults in mind.

Tell us something about your other works:

The Star Traveler Series is character driven space opera much like the Firefly series and I have been told it is reminiscent of the early scifi masters like Heinlein, Asimov and Bradbury.  

The Twin Cities Series is paranormal, but unlike any other paranormal you have ever read. Lots of adventure, some romance and humor, told from a shape-shifting wolf’s point of view. 

In2Minds is a collaborative work between David Stevens in the UK and me. It is the story of an astronaut sent on a one-way mission to terra-form a planet for the inhabitants of his current home. He has an accident and is buried alive, it not only threatens his life, but the future of his whole race if he cannot find a way out. 

And last, but not least, my memoirs are a compilation of articles I wrote as a human interest column in our local newspaper detailing my journey when I moved my elderly parents in with me. They are humorous stories and full of love and reflection.

What is the one thing that you find the most daunting about being an author?

I find the lack of time in one day frustrating. I need a 36 hour day, but like needing more money, I think once I had 36 hours I would want 48 and so on, and so on.

What do you wish you’d been advised before you started your writing journey?

I just wish I had been advised earlier to self publish. I honestly did not think of it, being from an older generation. I thought the traditional was the only way to go. I had never read an ebook until 2013 after I was published myself. I had no idea of the wealth of writers available in the indie field. If I had published in 2006 when folks first started getting into self-publishing I would probably be a full-time author by now. As it is, I still am holding down an 8-5 job and writing in every free moment I have.

Social media is so important to getting the word out about your work? How have you maximized it to meet the needs of your particular publicity? (Like Farloft having his own voice, etc)

I was introduced to social media by my student workers in the print shop at school. When they found out I was self-publishing they immediately set me up on Twitter. They said I would be great at it, because I love to chat. They were right.

Then Farloft found me and he wanted to tweet too. He loves being on Twitter the last Friday of every month and because he is old and wise, he can say just about anything he wants to. He is a great mouthpiece. He can push is books or my other books and no one gets tired of listening to him.  

I learned early that tweets, and posts on other social media, receive a lot more attention if they are visual, so I commissioned art for my works. This led to fan art coming in and it has snowballed over the last 12-18 months. I have a wall full of art in my office.

Give a new writer some advice that you wish someone had given you.

Best advice I could give is make your work shine. Have beta readers read and correct it. Join a writing group and have your peers review it, line edit and check for flow. You can’t have enough eyes on your work.

Now give some advice to the new author that you wish someone would have given you.

After making your book as clean as possible, have a professional cover designed. This is the first thing your prospective reader looks at. When I first posted The Farloft Chronicles I made the cover and I thought it looked very Celtic and dragonly. The books did nothing. I had a professional design the covers and the books started to move off the ebook sites. It is imperative your covers stand up, and out, in their particular genre.

On a more personal note, what are your hobbies? (painting? Quilting? Crafts?)

I love to garden and read. The gardening is relaxing and I can write in my head. I work out many of my plots while digging and puttering in my garden. It also produces lovely flowers to brighten the indoors and gives me material for my YouTube site.  

Reading is a must for all authors. It helps you hone your skills and it is a great escape from your own work or just the day-to-day grind of the 8-5 job. 

What else do you like to do in your personal spare non-writing time? (go to movies? Read? Antiquing?)

I am an avid movie watcher. My dad and I see at least a movie a week at the theaters and then add at least 4-5 other movies for home watching either from my extensive personal collection of VHS and DVD or from my accounts on Fandango, Amazon Prime, or Netflix.

I also take my own advice and I read at least a book a week. I love seeing how other author phrase dialogue and describe scenes or places. 

What is your favorite flower? And what is your favorite dessert?

Naming my favorite flower is a hard call to make. I have so many in the garden I love. Peonies would be high up on the list because of their beauty and fragrance. But the delicate columbines are a thrill to see. 

Favorite dessert is easier…Anything chocolate and if you throw in caramel too, I am in heaven. This is something Farloft and I both have in common. 

What inspiring words motivate you? Give us your favorite quote and name of who said it.

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. Quote – Milton Berle

Finally, tell us about the future and what we can look forward to from you (and Farloft?)

Farloft will continue to tweet and inspire me to write more chronicles. We are currently working on a chronicles based on shorter adventures he had during his youth when he traveled trying to find his way in the world as a youngling. 

The Star Travelers will have another adventure coming out this fall. We will be learning more about Coal and his planet. As we did with Targus in Vol. 4, we will follow Coal home to Realda and see what his society is like where everyone looks the same and one can only recognize another by their tattoos. But, it is what is under the tats that holds the secret of life and death on his planet. 

And there will be another ‘Shifting’ book in the Twin Cities series. I love crawling into Scar’s wolfy self and seeing the world through his eyes.


Thank you very much, Theresa, for letting us into your world as an author, a daughter, and a friend.

Folks, you can follow Theresa Snyder via her websiteTwitter, Facebook and her books are available from her website. Make time to explore this prolific and exciting author!


****The following items will always appear to keep you posted on activities.*****

WIP (Works in Progress): – NEW BOOK OF POETRY! – expected release July 2016
– first novel in the Evening Bower series, about vampires and other supernatural creatures
– fictional memoir – November 2016!
– four-part fairy story (part one complete)

On the Desk: (next reading): League of Dragons – Naomi Novik

Off the Desk (book just finished): A Potion to Die For – Heather Blake

Coming Soon:  Are you writing every day? Why you should and how I can help!
                           Novel sneak peeks and interview with my assistant.