I've Been Busy Being a Writer!

Five months! I can’t believe it’s been that long since we sat down together. I do owe you another apology, and to make up for my absence, let me give you a quick overview of what happened while I was away. I’ve been busy being a writer!

October 26 – I had the pleasure of being on The Ron Shaw Radio Show, a part of Artists First Network. He is a retired police captain, and a prolific author and poet. As a radio host, his show is broadcast to an international audience and I was thrilled to be among truly august company. That hour-long interview is archived for your pleasure if you’re interested. Just scroll down to listen.

I also have new branding! The marvelous Marisa-rose Shor of Cover Me Darling worked up a branding package for me complete with new logos!  Here’s a sample:

 November – National Novel Writing Month kept me very busy. I was the Municipal Liaison for the Charlotte, NC Region and though I didn’t travel as much this year as I did last year, I was writing my own work (a challenge of 50K words in one month) plus tried to work with plenty of other writers. I enjoy meeting so many new, inspired folks but whew! And of course, there were the holidays too, and that’s always a busy time for everyone.

December brought more parties and visits and the writing never stopped. I felt as though I was working on a dozen projects. I confess to an extreme sense of chaos.

January – I started the dreaded task of editing last year’s WIP, and something weird happened. I began hemorrhaging poetry. I mean it wouldn’t stop! I hadn’t been this inspired in years. The poems bleed everywhere all over the house, every day, without warning. I was doing one a day, sometimes up to three or four. And I’m not talking about little four liners either! More on this coming.

Also in January I was privileged to sit on a literary panel at a local library. Another author, two publishers and I fielded questions on “things you need to know about self-publishing” and it was great meeting so many local writers and would-be authors.

February – Still bleeding poetry, editing, and I prepared for and went to the author signing, Book ‘Em Book Fair and Writer Converence in Lumberton NC. While there I sold quite a few books, and sat on one panel (another about Self-Publishing) and moderated another. I had a blast.

March –  I was honored to be featured twice with Focus on Women Magazine’s radio show, La Femme de Prose ( part of BlogTalk Radio) where I discussed my books Midnight Assassin and Paper Bones. Those broadcasts are archived and available if you’d like to catch up:  Miracles and Poems Episode (at halfway mark for me) and Community Love and Poetry (halfway mark about Paper Bones).

April – and here we are. This is National Poetry Month and the poetry that I started bleeding in January has finally slowed and nearly stopped. Because of so much of it, and as I mentioned on the La Femme broadcast, I decided to publish a new book of poetry. This one will be along the lines of Paper Bones, but more raw, more current, and I won’t be pulling any punches. The will cover current events and issues with brutal honesty. July 2016 is the current expected release date.

Sign up for my newsletter to read upcoming sneak peeks and get your chance at an early – perhaps free! – copy! PLUS, be prepared for a sneak peek of a new, upcoming fiction for this year!

So what else is going to happen now that I’m back? Well next week I will have a guest blogger for Princess Week! And I’ll be back to talk to you about writing, of course. Additionally, I’m updating the conference lists because next year I will be traveling. Maybe we’ll see each other, stay tuned.

Finally, National Poetry Month is half over but you still have time to dive into some delicious works by your favorite bard. Don’t have a favorite? Then explore. The poetic world is vast and you are sure to find a style to suit you. Ogden Nash? ee cummings? Perhaps a bit of Billy Shakespeare? I leave it to you.

Until next time, I remain,
Yours Between the Lines,


****The following items will always appear to keep you posted on activities.*****

WIP (Works in Progress): 
– first novel in the Evening Bower series, about vampires and other supernatural creatures
– fictional memoir
– four-part fairy story (part one complete)

On the Desk: (next reading): Soulless by Gail Carriger (#1 in a series)

Off the Desk (book just finished): Burned (Alex Verus #7) by Benedict Jacka

Coming Soon:  Poetry Smoetry! Why should I bother? plus some award news!
And More Guest Bloggers