New Release and Perspectives

New Release!!

I’m delighted to announce my latest novel LOVE AND BLOOD was released Sep 18 (ebook and print). This paranormal romance is chock full of murder, chaos, surprises, and twists plus laced with some things sassy, some humorous, and some downright sexy. This is the continuation of the Evening Bower series begun with prequel, The Gypsy Thorn, then officially open in Time and Blood. Join Rhea and Amor-el along with their son, Destin, and friends, as they must renew their battle against deadly enemies intent on the destruction of the phoenix, of a prophecy, and any hope for the future.

Cover by Cover Me Darling LLC

The reviews are looking good, so please get yours before the price goes up. You won’t be disappointed, I promise! This is one paranormal romance that will leave you wanting more.


Lessons in Perspective

You know the expression that says (in paraphrase), your view of the world depends on what side of the fence you stand? Well I learned this lesson well over the last few weeks.

I’ve been away because my body has been ill. I had surgery on Sept 10  to correct an ongoing ailament that previously made me very lethargic and often unable to do certain tasks. I won’t go into great detail about the fix but here’s what you need to know — I am horribly afraid of hospitals, doctors and dentists. Now I had to deal with an emergent situation in a hospital, several doctors and all the panic over fears I dreaded. My blood pressure soared, my fears rose to the surface, and I was a mess all the way around.

Now, I do not have any terminal disease nor any grave or serious illness. What was wrong with me was an often common thing though my ailament was more complicated than expected. My stay in the hospital was brief (2 and a half days) and when released, I would have run to the car to get away if I could have!

Now to perspective. I have friends who have survived a plethora of hospital visits, endured numerous surgeries, radiation treatments, chemotherapy and suffered terribly. I felt foolish with my baby fears when I thought of them and I chastised myself for my benign fears. But my perspective of the incident remained tainted with my fear and my lingering anxiety. I could not see the bigger picture when I was stuck in the middle of my singular problem.

But fears they were and I could not shake them. Instead I tried to keep them “in perspective” but began to realize that my fears were no less valid or real, no matter how small they compared to others. I needed to allow myself to have the fear and not feel ashamed of it simply because my situation didn’t measure up to the horrible enduring of others. Perspective comes when you see the field before you and you deal with what you have yet you must allow there are greater fields beyond yours and they aren’t all solid ground. That does not diminish your personal field but it helps you to regain solid footing.

As a writer, I paid attention to my anxiety, my fears, my depression, my loneliness, and stopped beating myself up and apologizing for my lack of bravery or stiff upper lip. Those who love and know me, shared compassion (even when they didn’t understand my fear) and helped me to cope.  Their warmth sustained me and eased my trepidations.

Perspective is not having to understand, but must acknowledge the reality without judgement. The mountains are real and you cannot change them. But you learn to deal with them and live with them.  That was me and that represented those who helped me through my weeks of healing.

Perspective is understanding that what I felt as a patient isn’t what the nurses feel or what the doctor understands. My pain (or in my case, my lack of pain!), is true to me. Those in my shoes may not see or feel about the situation the same. We must not say things to others like “you should, or you ought to” because that is assuming that you know more than other person about the situation. That is a directive that is without understanding or allowance.

I’m on the mend now and still coming to terms with me. I hope when you write your characters you go deeper into their emotions, find the things that scare them, that worry them, that define and confine them, things that repress them and paralyze them. Characters are the way they are from experience and not everything is always explainable. Those foibles are also not always weaknesses. They are learning experiences for your characters just as mine was for me. The best fiction is rooted in reality. What you see isn’t always what is real or the whole picture. Never short-change the other person because your perspective is limited. And so is your character’s.

Perspective gives me information, forgiveness, experience and improvement. I am a better person with it, and my writing will improve because of it. What you see at first, isn’t always the only (if ever), the truth. Or, it may only be a partial truth.

It may decide on your vantage point, or, on which side of the fence you stand.

I hope you can examine the larger moments in your lie and find the deep roots to give your life and your writing greater perspectives too.


It feels good to be back. Please take this moment to join the newsletter (links on the right) and be the first to know insights about new books and projects, plus have first dibs on freebies! Thanks for stopping by! 

I remain Yours Between the Lines,


Seasonal Changes and Mid-Year Review

Seasonal Changes and Mid-Year Review

The temperature may be 90 degrees outside and the A/C is definitely cranked down inside, but there are signs everything is about to switch over to a new season. I’m ready, are you?

(my house and I know we aren’t there yet, but hey…!)

When I was at the grocery store a few days ago, the magazines are touting “soups to warm you” and “easy casseroles for tailgating,” and snuggly quilts to make for those chilly nights. Covers display autumnal designs with pumpkins and warm colors of gold and orange. Domestic magazines are encouraging us to take our families on the ghost tours. In other words, Summer may have us firmly in her grasp but Autumn is pacing in the wings and she’s not far away.

Which is why I thought now was a good time to catch up with a mid-year review with what’s news and include what’s happened to be sure we’re ready for a change season.

UPCOMING NEW RELEASE: First, the July newsletter gave subscribers a first look at the new book cover! I followed this up with a release on Facebook, first on the Cover Me Darlings page and then on mine. Now you get to see the final front cover:

I’m completely crazed for this divine cover by Marisa-rose Wesley of Cover Me Darlings. The upcoming events are wonderfully captured. Hoping to for a SEP 21 RELEASE. No pre-order info yet.  If you want to be ready for the new book, then begin with the prequel, THE GYPSY THORN. Here’s a teaser and a link.
LATEST CHAT: I’ve done a Live Chat every month. Hope you’ve been listening. The latest one promised exclusive content for newsletter subscribers. August will begin those surprises. Catch up on the latest video here.  Newsletter subscribers can sign up here.

INSTAGRAM: Are you following all the pens I’ve been showing every Monday on Instagram? Here is the one for this week — you’re seeing it here the same time I’m posting on IG. Only two left after today. What a cool year of pens it has been. You can always scroll back through my IG and revisit them.

UPCOMING EVENT:  Find me next at Book ‘Em North Carolina, an author signing designed to fight against illiteracy. This will be my third time with them. The event is Sep 22, Robeson Community College, NC and the event is FREE. All you pay for are the books you buy. There are about 35 authors and publishers scheduled to attend. Plus there will be some panels and those are free too. Hope to see you. Here is the website with more info. Come by and mention this blog post and you’ll get a little something extra with my compliments.


ON THE HORIZON: I was given a great idea and I am going to implement it right away. The suggestion was that I do some specialized videos about each of the books in my Evening Bower series, to include information about the characters plus read a snippet from each book. 

I like that idea and so I will begin this information right away! The first video will appear soon and be about Midnight Assassin. The second will be at the end of August and cover The Gypsy Thorn. The third will be about Time and Blood and appear around mid September. In the vids I will introduce you to characters, give you information about the plot and read something from the book. I will mention particulars about the characters that may enhance your experience with the story.

All this will be in preparation of the newest book’s release. Just before it comes out, I will do a teaser video (TBA) and mention some secrets that have never been discussed. Sound like fun?

Exact dates TBA in the newsletter, in here, and on my Facebook Author page. It’ll be FUN!



My special book, Vampire Vignettes is planned for late spring 2019 (guessing). This book will be scenes that never made it into the regular novels of the Evening Bower. I have planned scenes between Drahomira and Franklin, Destin and Reaper, Rhea and Cooke…and so many more. But here’s where YOU come in.

I’m going to offer readers of the series a chance to have their fan fiction vignette INCLUDED in this book. You won’t be paid royalties when published, but you will have your own chapter in the back under Fan Fiction and you’ll be a published author too! Thinking right now up to three stories. More info on this coming.

If you have read the novels and plan to read the new book, then you will have all the information you need to do a fun vignette (of course I will happily answer any questions). Lighthearted is the key. They may be dark but they have to have some quirk to make me smile and must capture the established flavor and voice of the character. Look for specifics by the end of the month. I’m VERY excited about this and look forward to helping you out too.

* * *

With the upcoming change of season, I’m changing too. I love the longer nights and the darker shadows.  New books keep me excited and the prospects ahead are as moonlight from a full moon. The changes make me want to write more….more….more!

Thank you for stopping by. Watch my newsletter and Facebook author page for updates, and of course, the Monday posts here. 

I remain always, Yours Between the Lines,


Novels Need An Oral Exam

Novels Need An Oral Exam


Say AH. How do you spell that? Ah? Aaah? aaH? Would you believe it is properly written as “ah?” Though you may still write it as “aah,” that is a less common approach in novel writing. Things like this expression are often discovered in the edit phase of writing your novel, but you might be surprised to know it is often most discovered during the ORAL phase, that is, when you read your novel ALOUD.

What’s that you say? You don’t do that? Then you are short changing yourself and missing out on the most critical of all the edits, the oral. Oral readings do several things and all of them benefit both you and the reader.

First, a good novel has natural rhythm and flow to the sentences. The words in a novel flow, are varied and come and go like the tide. Sometimes words rush and sometimes they drift lazily by, the pages easy reading. Sometimes the novel swallows the reader with drama and other times creeps up like a sneaky growing tidal wave, filled with foreshadowing. An oral read through of your work lets you, and the one or ones who are listening (more on that in a moment) get a feeling of the natural undulation of your work. Too slow and the reader snoozes and drops the book. Too fast and the reader may have a hard time staying with the plot. Therefore, a good read thru provides the first actual feel of the story. When you read the words aloud you can hear and feel the advancement of your idea and decide if it has a good pace.

Second, an oral read through lets you hear the dialogue. Are your characters sounding stilted and unnatural? Do guys sound like guys? Do the YA girls sound current or more like your old mom? Getting the right dialogue is tricky and no matter how many times you read it to yourself, there is nothing like hearing it aloud. You find out if your jokes sound natural and if they are truly funny. You hear if an argument has the fury you intended or just becomes page filler. Once you hear the worlds aloud, you (and your listeners) start to know your characters. As the book progresses, so they stay true to how they began? Are the voices consistent? Do you have the right slang? Are the joikes dated or are your references out of the wrong era (or head of time)? Don’t forget to listen for the accents of your characters. Do they say “lemme” but later, “let me?” Be sure to capture the consistent. Have the listeners pretend they are listening to your audio book. You will hear all the oddities you never dreamed in your writing.

Next, the oral read through helps you define pacing. If you started out slow and are supposed to be building to a moment but suddenly drift away to a subplot, is it well-timed? Is it necessary? You can hear these things and you will miss them when you read to yourself. Things the author wants to be there may not sound correct when said aloud. Separate from the rhythm and flow, pacing tells you whether your story is hitting the marks for impact, plot and climax. Like how the words flow, the story must also flow and develop. Bumps in this area come when the reader stutters through certain parts of the oral review. You’ll hear it when it happens.

Of course, the next thing you can eliminate the repetitive or unnecessary. When you’re in the diner, do we need to know what the rest of the diner is eating while we’re having a romantic moment? Probably not. But if you’re a vampire slayer and everyone is eating raw meat, you might be in a zombie deli and be in trouble. Orals let you know whether the details matter. You may enjoy the scene when you read it to yourself, but when you read it aloud, you  tend to sense whether or not you have fluff. Again, you’ll hear it. Also, you’ll hear your favorite overused words:  said, but, so, maybe, just, and, and, and. In my case: smiled, turned, laughed, breathed. Look out for the adverbs too: suddenly, consequently, as a result. Remember the road to hell is paved with adverbs and readers are trusting you to take them to heaven.

In the end, maybe the most important reason to do the oral exam is because this allows you to slow down and really hear the story. Reading aloud is time consuming, yes. But it presents the novel to you in a way that no other edit will. Everything that is wrong – missing commas, overused words, odd phrasing, choppy sentences, rough dialogue – everything stands out in an oral. I tried to put in vampire parkour because my vampire loves to run the rooftops. But my story takes place in 1997 and my listener looked at that and realized that parkour didn’t happen until the 21st century. Things that look great on paper can jump out during an oral (feel unnatural or sound silly).

If you’ve finished a story or a novel, then you are ready for all those terrible edits – copy, line and developmental – but don’t forget the one that will make you dividends, the Oral. After all, an oral checkup for the writer keeps your mouth and you healthy. The oral edit, the novel checkup, makes the book strong and healthy too.


I just finished the oral exam of my latest book, LOVE AND BLOOD, coming in Sept 2018. God Bless my friend, Terri Wilson, who sat through nine hours on day one and five hours on day two until we finished. Lessons from that read dramatically improve my work. Now my novel is ready for its close up and sharing all its secrets.

Get your Oral Exam done today!

Thanks for stopping by.

I remain, Yours Between the Lines, 
