Category: News

Sherry's Upcoming Book -- sneak peek!

Have you heard? I have an upcoming poetry book release called The Book of Now.  If you read my 2013 release, Paper Bones (contemporary issues poetry), then all I can tell you is this is Paper Bones on steroids. These poems are current issues, but told with blunt, sometimes controversial, views. My aim is to be brutally open and honest about four subjects which plague us: Politics, Terrorism, Abuse and how we treat Nature (ourselves and Mother’s). These poems are meant to make you think and incite you to act, to discuss, to vote — to do something other than to watch and be complacent. Here’s a taste about childhood bullying.  Look for The Book of Now in July 2016.

You might even want to read this book before you vote this year. (how’s that for a tease?)

Feel free to share! And don’t forget, if you like my work, consider joining my street team!

(You may have seen this sneak peek if you are following my Author page on Facebook! If we haven’t connected there, please let’s do!)

Thanks for stopping by!
Yours Between the Lines,


****The following items will always appear to keep you posted on activities.*****

WIP (Works in Progress): – NEW BOOK OF POETRY! – expected release July 2016
– first novel in the Evening Bower series, about vampires and other supernatural creatures
– fictional memoir – November 2016!
– four-part fairy story (part one complete)

On the Desk: (next reading): A Potion to Die For – Heather Blake

Off the Desk (book just finished): Rock-a-bye Bones – Carolyn Haines

Coming Soon:  Are you writing every day? Why you should and how I can help!
                          Guest Interview coming in June!


Join my new Street Team Phoenix!

Last week I introduced you to my new personal assistant, Terri Wilson. Since my announcement, Terri has been busy getting organized, making spreadsheets, opening new social media platforms, investigating bloggers and book reviewers, and prepping for our new street team.

What is a street team? Basically it is just what it sounds like. For authors, it’s a team of people whose purpose it is to “hit the ground running” in an effort to promote an author and the author’s works.

You may ask yourself what I ask myself – if I am not a bestselling author or even a highly popular one, then how can I have a street team?

Ah, grasshopper, that is the point! A street team helps an author spread the word about his/her books, promoting to libraries, book groups,. bookstores, colleges, writing groups – anywhere where people read or might be interested in the named authors writings. The idea is to help promote the author to new people and improve the author’s visibility.

A street team is a valuable resource in social media too. Their promotions on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, Google+ and other platforms can truly help authors find their readers, new readers and a niche for their work.

The value of street teams cannot be underestimated. I’ve learned the value of them from several prolific authors like Jackson Dean Chase and, my dear friend, Robbie Cox, just to nightlight a couple. The publicity street teams provide and their tireless faith and promotion truly increases book reviews and fan bases.

And that’s what I need in order to be a name you’ll recognize more readily.

Also, a good street team can be a reading pool where an author can find beta readers among the supportive fans, as well as other areas of expertise. Additionally, these readers can offer great suggestions of what can be done on social media as well as what authors might want to write going forward.

I’m excited to open this new Street Team. Anyone who is “local” will have a chance to meet up with Terri and me and have some fun working together.  Team members from other areas and across the country/world will hear from me exclusively too, we just won’t get in person contact.


There are two links to the page about Sherry’s Team Phoenix. You can hit it here, from the main page, or jump to the info page under Press, News and Events. Help me spread the word and let’s help new readers discover the magic between the lines! Terri is eager to take your name.



****The following items will always appear to keep you posted on activities.*****

WIP (Works in Progress): – NEW BOOK OF POETRY! – expected release July 2016
– first novel in the Evening Bower series, about vampires and other supernatural creatures
– fictional memoir – November 2016!
– four-part fairy story (part one complete)

On the Desk: (next reading): waiting a new book by Carolyn Haines

Off the Desk (book just finished): Gone With the Witch – Heather Blake

Coming Soon:  Are you writing every day? Why you should and how I can help!

Meet my new Personal Assistant!

I’m happy to say that 2016 is turning out to be a potentially busy year for the author-me. I’ve several new projects on the burner and the writing is flowing well. However, with so many writing projects pulling me in different directions, I find myself at sixes and nines. As a result, I needed some help staying organized and focused, and finding help with the minutia that was distracting me. That’s a hard pill for an Aries like me, normally uber organized, self-reliant and very stubborn. But not too stubborn to realize that having talented help is a strength and that is what brings me to my announcement.

I’m excited to introduce you to my new Personal Assistant – Terri A. Wilson. As my assistant, Terri is going to help me manage my extracurricular events, assist with my calendar, organize and supervise a new street team, help with social media and generally be my “Writer Gal Friday,” my left hand (I write with my right), and my second brain. She brings a wealth of diverse experience with her.

Terri has a BA in English, a Master’s in Education and a Masters in Library Science. She has twelve years teaching experience at the middle, high school and college levels. Currently, she is home schooling her two daughters, ages ten and seven. Terri loves to read and write, and you will enjoy reading her blog for her book reports and her stories.

Born in Texas, she’s been married to her beloved Jeff for 22 years. They live in Charlotte, NC, and this means we’ll be able to meet in person, an added blessing. Terri reads what I write (thankfully!). But she is also an avid reader of urban fantasy, paranormal, a little gothic, and historical. She loves quilting, painting and reading – the woman can have four books going at one time (I cannot do that)! Her sense of humor is broad and fun, and she exudes calm, a trait I find extremely valuable.

Terri and I also share common causes in our advocacy against Domestic Violence, and Childhood Abuse and Bullying. Together we hope to make a difference going forward together.

I think you’re going to like Terri as much as I do. You’ll be hearing more from her as she organizes my new street team, book launches, blog tours, and other events.

When the going gets tough, the tough get help. I’m very glad I did. Please join me in welcoming Terri to Between the Lines and all the magic that entails.

If you are interested in reaching Terri in her work as my PA, you can write her at


And as always, you know you can write me anytime. Feel free to use a comment form, or leave me a comment here. I welcome all your thoughts.

I remain, as always,
Yours Between the Lines,


****The following items will always appear to keep you posted on activities.*****

WIP (Works in Progress): – NEW BOOK OF POETRY! – expected release July 2016
– first novel in the Evening Bower series, about vampires and other supernatural creatures
– fictional memoir
– four-part fairy story (part one complete)

On the Desk: (next reading): Gone with the Witch (#5) Heather Blake

Off the Desk (book just finished): In Shining Armor  (#4) Elliott James

Coming Soon:  Let’s Talk About Your Writing! and look for my Street Team!