Okay I’ll admit it. I’m excited and psyched. My new book of nonfiction poetry, The Book of Now, is now available for purchase! I’m so thrilled!
This book was a true labor of love, but also, an experience. I could not stem the tide of poetry that came out of me for about six months. If a person can hemorrhage verses, then I did. Morning, noon, middle of the night, it didn’t matter. The issues compelled me to write about them and the headlines drew out the emotions. Terrorist attacks, bigotry in politicians, friends of mine beaten by spouses and boyfriends, other friends batting over HB2NC and wondering if they will be attacked because they chose to pee in the “wrong” bathroom, natural monuments being destroyed out of stupidity. The toll on the people filled my heart and the poetry came unbidden. Much of it could never see the light of day but the rest is my offering in the new book.
Terrorism, Abuse, Politics and Nature — topics that include bigotry, racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia and domestic violence, as well as ecological destruction, international slavery, and immigration. A heavy variety of headlines and issues that will leave deep wounds and deeper scars.
I’m very proud of this new book. I hope you will give it a try. For now the print book is available and the ebook will soon follow (in about 2-3 weeks). This is my reflection of today’s world and the issues consuming it. Join me in recognizing them and working to change the future.
You can find the book here and soon there will be a direct link from the front page as well as inside the list of books. You will also be able to order it from B&N and other online retailers. It will be available in overseas distribution too.
Please raise a glass with me as I celebrate my newest creation! And if you do read it, please consider leaving me a review on Amazon and Goodreads. I would be very grateful for your comments and support.
I’LL BE ON THE RADIO! – Tune in to hear me discuss the new book and read a poem or two on Focus on Women Magazine’s blogtalk radio, La Femme de Prose, on July 26 at 7pm. Here’s a link to listen live and you can call in with questions at 917-889-3894. Looking forward to chatting with you.
I remain yours between the lines,
****The following items will always appear to keep you posted on activities.*****
WIP (Works in Progress): – Writer’s Workbook – Learning to Write Everyday – Beginners Volume
– first novel in the Evening Bower series, about vampires and other supernatural creatures
– fictional memoir – November 2016!
– four-part fairy story (part one complete)
On the Desk: (next reading): TBD
Off the Desk (book just finished): Flameout by Keri Arthur
Coming Soon: Interview with new folks and more about upcoming projects. Plus meet my assistant (yes, you want details!)