Inspiration for Writers by Writers
Writing is Art - Book 1

This book is for you if: You’re a blogger, novelist, journalist, or poet. You ever get stuck when you see the cursor taunting you with its never-ending blinking. You have too many ideas and don’t know where to start. You’ve ever wondered how successful authors get past their fears and figure “it” out. This book is for you if like us, you consider yourself a writer and your passion for writing fills you with a desire you cannot explain, nor control.
This compilation book contains the wisdom of 14 professional and best-selling authors, including: Kelly Amrein, Drew Becker, Jesse Butler, Natalie Marie Collins, Bonnie Hanson, Linda Juvald, Kristen Joy Laidig, Kim Martin, Sue Massimo, Kathryn Ramsperger, Sherry Rentschler, Anita Plak Semprimoznik, Maya Walker, & Jamie Wyatt.