Where Forever Grows
Book 2.5: Evening Bower Series

Here there be secrets.
Outside of New Orleans at the edge of the bayou, will o’ the wisps roam, wind chimes sing a warning of approaching dark creatures, and a perpetual fog lingers. This is the Riviere Plantation, home to Rhea, an ancient phoenix, her vampire friends, a seer, a changeling, a fae and other supernatural creatures. Readers know this place is also home of the blue rose from Atlantis, and the world of the Evening Bower.
A world built on shadows.
Now, in honor of the fans, mysteries from the books – Midnight Assassin, The Gypsy Thorn, Time and Blood, and Love and Blood – are unearthed.
Where did Reaper come from? What is in The Great Book of Forgetting? What happened to Drahomira in Vienna? Answers to these questions and others offer previously hidden insights to the humorous, innocent, and loving traits that make bower immortals seem human. Also, these vignettes illuminate the more deadly and delicious side of favorite characters.
However, readers beware. Some secrets whisper of an unwritten future. Once you know a secret, can you keep it? Or will the shadows take you away forever?
(Warning contains spoilers from series).