Breaking the Glass Slipper
A Fictional Memoir

Sex, love and happily ever after. This is one woman’s search for the fairy tale.
This is a true story.
I am a baby boomer raised to believe that love always won, sex and love were interchangeable, and sharing both lead to the much desired happily ever after. In my childhood, every prince claimed a princess, every femme fatale got her man, and every sexual encounter promised love.
I discovered how wrong I was before I left home and I went wild. Disillusioned, the next twenty-five years overflowed with misadventures, failed marriages, and sexual exploits. The lessons I learned were life altering, filled with disappointments, often with painfully funny results. I cut my life’s teeth on the shards of my shattered glass slipper dreams.
Until one day, my fairy godmother decided I’d suffered enough.
My life became an honest-to-goodness love story complete with a real glass slipper.
Happily ever after is possible. Take a lesson or two from me.